All of a sudden, four good-sized men grabbed him and pulled him away from the table.
Peranda was a good-sized man; he had Archer's build, if not the captain's character.
He was a good-sized man, thick through torso and shoulder, and the uniform became him.
I am a good-sized man, but neither enormously tall nor enormously wide.
I'm a good-sized man, and I seem bigger next to Lokrians, who run short.
The pack on his back felt as if it weighed as much as three good-sized men.
The sun was just getting serious and the plants stood tall as good-sized men.
He was a good-sized man, one of those who used the exercise machines more as a matter of religion than of muscle tone.
He was a good-sized man; a lot of silver had gone into that belt.
He was a good-sized man, this Brummell, with a long, fair face, light brown hair, and slight sandy side- whiskers.