We even brought you a captured subject as a goodwill gift.
Our Rani gave me a nice bit of money in case it looked like we ought to buy him, and one of our khanums threw in that azoth for an extra goodwill gift.
The Apollo 11 lunar sample displays were given out as goodwill gifts by Nixon in 1970.
They bore the caskets and chests of goodwill gifts.
It was crowded with people who wanted to gawk at this wonderful goodwill gift from the People's Republic of China - Chinese Communists to Ritter.
He indicated the older of the two centaurs the Margilans had given him as goodwill gifts.
An enormous number of yelk, hoxney, horses, and kaidaws (the latter goodwill gifts from phagors) had to be kept fed in order for the community to survive at all.
These plaques were given to the people of Spain by United States President Richard Nixon as goodwill gifts.
A goodwill gift from the Apollo 17 mission was then given in the form of a wooden commemorative plaque display individually to all fifty states, five U.S. territories, and 135 nations worldwide.
When Wright County school superintendent Benson dropped by to visit a one-room schoolhouse near Clarion, Iowa, the students outside for recess presented him with a goodwill gift of seven just-picked four-leaf clovers.