Private is distinguishable by his googly eyes and soft English accent; he is the youngest of the group.
Woodniks were "creatures" made from strange shapes of wood with glowing googly eyes and nearby speakers to give them voice.
He made googly eyes at the camera while he removed his jacket.
"It seems like half the department's been by to make googly eyes on your behalf."
He is known to have a mother, a younger sister, and an identically-designed cousin, who all share his characteristic blue fur and "googly eyes".
In other canvases, hundreds of black and white spots like googly eyes return your captivated gaze (Johnson).
The last thing he wanted was a lovelorn Petra making googly eyes at him.
No anger is unaccompanied by bold hate lines above Buddy's head, no lust without big googly eyes.
Jennifer Nettles stayed anchored to a piano, allowing her less opportunity than usual to follow the camera around and make googly eyes at it.
- my father limped downstairs to make googly eyes at Colaba girls.