Was Mrs. Sprot any better with her slightly vacant face and boiled gooseberry eyes?
Those pale, boiled gooseberry eyes of his will pop right out of his head!
Still the angel made no denial, but 'gazed seriously into the laughable gooseberry eyes.
She had strawberry blonde hair and gooseberry green eyes.
The Major looked at him rather queerly with his good-humoured gooseberry eyes.
His face was round and ingenuous, with a pouting mouth and boiled gooseberry eyes.
Bonnet scratched his cheek, gooseberry eyes roaming over her in approval.
"Vampire," with gooseberry eyes as nasty as his fangs, should be especially popular with small boys.
Major Barry turned his boiled gooseberry eyes with mild curiosity on Poirot.
One more kid rotten-spoiled by postwar abundance, one more princeling with gooseberry eyes.