Despite that, Ms. Berry is the most gorgeous young actress in American films right now, and she tackles this role with impressive passion.
He asks himself how many of these encounters can be as tricky as his own, with the gorgeous actress, Candice Riberon.
The two flirt and have drinks, Herrick obviously smitten with the gorgeous actress.
She's a gorgeous actress, beautiful woman.
The gorgeous actress was known for her many short lived relationships, but fortunately she seems to have found true love with her current husband Danny Moder.
If the gorgeous actress really had set her sights on Dane, and it seemed she had, he probably wouldn't even want to resist.
While Olive was crippled from a car crash, Megan is a gorgeous actress.
With the picture of Luis embracing a gorgeous French actress.
But there's nothing distinctive about her--no funky residues of personality that signal the difference between a gorgeous actress and a movie star.
"Then I heard they were looking for some gorgeous, you know, actress, who was, you know, kind of a bigger name than I am."