You don't dump someone like her just because you run into the most gorgeous gal in the world .
And repressed, tongue-tied guys everywhere learn that even the most gorgeous gals will happily go out with them if only they take a few cues from Eric Weber's now-classic "How to Pick Up Girls!"
Tall, handsome, piercingly blue-eyed, and with an equally gorgeous gal (Miranda Lambert) dangling from his arm--just looking at the guy, he fills the bill just fine.
"Stand up a gorgeous gal like you?"
Two gorgeous gals - "The Other Guys" hottie Eva Mendes and "2012" star Thandie Newton - both donned a metallic .
The issue featuring Underwood and her fellow gorgeous gals will hit newsstands on December 12.
He turned to Crane, saying under his breath, 'They don't want us sleeping in the same room with any of these gorgeous gals, huh?
For the urban part of the audience, the women love that there's a whole bunch of women running a ranch and the men have a whole bunch of gorgeous gals on top of a horse.
And who doesn't love a gorgeous, low-maintenance gal?