According to GameSpot, the game had "gorgeous graphics and special effects" and "was quite an adventure and one hell of a coin cruncher."
Or you can simply try and keep the ball going for as long as possible, marveling at the gorgeous graphics and plentiful comic book references.
GameSpy staff writer Greg Sewart offered a similar opinion, also praising the game for its "gorgeous graphics".
(UT3 had gorgeous graphics but complicated the mechanics too much.)
The PS3, which was introduced in North America on Friday with a hefty $599 price tag for the top version, certainly delivers gorgeous graphics.
If you don't want big budget blockbuster FPS' with gorgeous graphics, go play Minecraft.
But with its gorgeous graphics, blazing action and clever puzzles, the game edges out Onimusha 2 for best of the series.
With an engaging battle system, gorgeous graphics and far more effective storytelling than is found in any other persistent-world game, Wars has become my all-time favorite in its class.
God of War matches its lavish settings, gorgeous graphics and high style with solid game mechanics.
With eight different modes, an amazing storyline, and gorgeous graphics, this magical quest will leave you breathless.