A gorgeous redhead was rising nervously from behind a huge steel-and-plastic desk.
He knew nothing of her musical past or talents, but saw her as a feisty and gorgeous redhead.
In penance, I'm going to spend the evening with a gorgeous redhead.
I left the house without so much as a passing thought about the gorgeous redhead stashed upstairs.
One gorgeous redhead had come hiking out the gate She was dressed for rough travel and carried a big pack.
Then I remember the gorgeous redhead from room service named Maureen and my mood starts to pick up.
He's probably sunning himself in Bermuda with a gorgeous redhead.
What male or, in some cases, female doesn't dream of a wild night with a gorgeous redhead?
The picture of the gorgeous redhead was very vivid in her mind as well, and she knew that there Deana spoke the truth.
All those ideas of little blondes, or gorgeous redheads, flew out the window.