During the Renaissance, public dissections provided all the recreational titillation that we get from gory movies and roller coasters today.
Cannibal films, or the cannibal genre, are graphic, gory movies made from the early 1970s to the late 1980s, primarily by Italian and Spanish moviemakers.
"I have some gory, violent movies I've been saving up."
"I wouldn't want to wake up and have my morning coffee with some gory movie."
"It's the adrenaline," said Sarah Stark, a movie theater manager in Lima, Ohio, explaining her longtime interest in gory movies.
Curtis also loves to go to the movies where he watches gory, horror movies alongside Barry who tags along even though he doesn't approve of them.
"The one who wrote that gory movie you and Sebastian dragged me to."
Dagul, Debbie, and their housekeeper Brosia are watching a very gory movie in a shopping mall cinema when suddenly, an explosion is heard, sending the other moviegoers into panic.
The 1994 election that brought him to power was a "revolution" that he cast in terms of Braveheart , a gory movie about freedom fighters in medieval Scotland.
I think with 'The Passion,' people wanted to see how bloody and gory this movie was.