He told some gory stories of eagles carrying off dogs and lambs, of their being shot and maimed.
Now there is an an increasingly insatiable need to turn gory stories, or inherently private ones, into media circuses, aggravated by tell-all talk shows.
It was the kind of gory story Anna told about her own big sister.
Pope stated he got the idea for the format and these gory stories from seeing people congregate around auto accidents.
This time, the gory story did not prove more memorable.
And a cotton grower need never see those gory stories about hog fat ratios unless, of course, he has a sty.
They love gory stories, and that's what they were hoping for.
"Dinner's not the time for gory stories anyway."
He described these legends as "these gory little stories that are really fun to tell," and said they had interested him since childhood.
He drew ghoulish cartoons and wrote gory short stories.