Need to check in with the gossip network on that one.
These are the sort of details, of course, that friends often exchange in informal gossip networks.
Any particularly nasty gossip has an author or authors, after all, and any functioning gossip network builds up a memory.
So the gossip network was tight, fast, and frighteningly efficient.
Vascogne and Takeshewada had managed to defuse both situations, but they had quickly become part of the Constellation's gossip network.
No, never mind, I don't need a blow-by-blow account of your gossip network.
If sexual assault was really so pervasive, it seemed strange that the intricate gossip networks hadn't picked up more than one or two shadowy instances of rape.
If anyone had a really bad time, they managed to conceal it from one of the best gossip networks in history.
She also reigned as the unofficial queen of the town's gossip network, a function she dutifully filled by welcoming all visitors and spending hours on the phone.
The gossip network buzzed largely because Mr. Klein's office did not immediately publish a full list of names.