To govern France merely it is possible that a constitution may be better.
For in France there is this Danton only that could still try to govern France.
Its name was inspired by the Popular Front, a left-wing coalition which governed France from 1936 to 1938.
It is the leading candidate to be detached from the rightist majority to cooperate with the Socialists in governing France.
The turn also presents a serious challenge to the highly centralized political system that has governed France for the last 34 years.
In 1392, under the government of the dukes who governed France during the king's illness, he was deprived of his power.
The governments which issued from it governed France from 19 February 1871 to 31 December 1875.
Napoleon was the last of the book-lovers who governed France.
He was one of the marmousets who governed France between 1388-1392.
But it turned out to be the only way to govern France after a coalition of the right triumphed in parliamentary elections in March 1986.