Those who governed in London at the time failed their people through standing by while a crop failure turned into a massive human tragedy.
The party governed the state of Tamil Nadu at the time.
This affected his eligibility to compete in the sport of athletics as a whole, since the sport was governed under amateurist rules at the time.
They governed independently but at the same time cooperatively, as part of Nipissing Nation as a whole.
We are just learning how to govern and do democracy at the same time.
"Are you forgetting that you wouldn't be married to your Nicholas right now if those rules hadn't governed you at the time?"
What was acquired before the marriage is governed by the law of the parties' domicile at the time of marriage.
Another polyphosphate used is sodium hexametaphosphate the choice of which is often governed by availability and price at the time.
In addition, the university adopted new rules governing financial accountability and scientific integrity, improvements in process at the time of the August 1992 events.
The Padeia Institute, which governed the entire planet at the time, began to organize Earth defenses against these attacks.