A FAR must be kept in order to be in compliance with legislation governing corporations, companies, etc.
Laws governing nonprofit corporations are insufficient to safeguard their underlying purposes.
Since no such law governs for-profit corporations, shareholders objecting to excessive executive compensation face a more difficult legal challenge.
It concluded that the government ran a deficit of $515 billion, using the accounting rules that are supposed to govern corporations.
The agency's premise is that many securities laws that govern corporations also apply to municipal finance.
In accord with the tax regulations governing nonprofit corporations, Pioneer does not fund individuals; under the law only other nonprofit organizations are appropriate grantees.
Part of the problem, Mr. Buck said, stems from the ambiguity of the language contained in regulations that govern most associations and corporations.
"The law that governs corporations is the same that governs individuals".
It thus operates outside the laws governing human individuals, and benefits from the much looser laws governing corporations.
French company law is the law governing corporations.