State laws govern the internal workings of those companies, including the duties of directors and managers.
It therefore governed access to all fishing at sea, including fishing for stocks not subject to quotas.
The framework was the overarching document that governed the next two years of trade negotiations, including those over autos.
Regulations governed most aspects of daily life, including dining, dress, and leisure activities.
The senior management team governs sub-groups for issue-oriented programs, including: education, building, men, communications, women, training, international, and a policy forum.
As in other developed countries, Britain is subject to planning controls governing most forms of 'development' of land, including mining activities.
Special rules govern certain types of business expenses, including rules for travel, entertainment, food, and gifts.
BITs govern the terms of private investment between companies in the two nations, including provisions for arbitration of disputes.
Governments regulate the use of violence through legal systems governing individuals and political authorities, including the police and military.
It does not in any way replace regulations that govern research in particular areas, including certain ethical rules such as those on human integrity.