My father worked hard to govern well, govern justly.
The monarch was seated before the altar, where he swore to govern justly, preserve the Lutheran religion, support schools, and help the poor.
Through the Millennium Challenge Account, the United States will deliver greater development assistance to poor nations that govern justly, invest in their people and encourage economic freedom.
He had never tried to understand the important problems of governing justly in a society where the monarch's word was the only law.
When he succeeded, he governed justly and prevailed over the Uzbegs and Qazzāqs.
Governing Justly and Democratically: The United States is helping Nigeria make exceptional efforts to develop inclusive, transparent, and effective institutions of democratic governance.
To govern justly, a president needs to gain the consent of the governed of the whole country, not just a heavily populated region.
Thou knowest that to govern in safety, it is my policy as my pride to govern justly.
To govern justly is an awful thing, when mighty barons are the culprits.
Erasmus preferred for the prince to be loved, and strongly suggested a well-rounded education in order to govern justly and benevolently and avoid becoming a source of oppression.