Mr. Jabr's defiant stand also reflects the tension between the country's governing Shiite parties.
Historically, governing parties fare poorly in federal by-elections.
As prescribed by Oregon state statutes governing major political parties, the party comprises all registered voters designating their party affiliation as Democrat.
"The Council, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 251, shall lay down the regulations governing political parties at European level and in particular the rules regarding their funding."
In order to achieve these goals, regulations governing political parties are essential at European level.
Regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding (debate)
That is why we shall vote against the report on regulations governing European parties, political foundations and their funding.
The proposals for reforming the regulation on the rules governing European political parties and their funding, which feature in this report, mark a step towards streamlining how they operate.
I voted in favour of this resolution on the application of the regulations governing political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.
The WSJ believed that the taboo on discussing the activities of the Communist Party of China implies the Hong Kong government will never pass a law governing political parties.