"It's just like it's seven or eight years ago," said Richard H. Koppes, the deputy executive officer and head of its corporate governance program.
He also serves on the advisory board of Harvard Law School's corporate governance program and contributes to its blog.
The good governance programs aim to improve the system of transparency and accountability of the government to the public.
UNDP also supports existing democratic institutions by increasing dialogue, enhancing national debate, and facilitating consensus on national governance programs.
Good governance programs and microfinance loans to the poor are important, but their collective effect on the authoritarian politics of the Middle East over the last decade has been limited.
For the big California pension fund known as Calpers, already an outspoken shareholder, the investment marks a new phase in its corporate governance program.
If this were to happen in a developing country, we would say, it was high time a good governance programme were drafted.
That means integrating small arms into Europe's security development and governance programmes.
Kabul was bustling; the Afghan National Army was learning to stand on its own; the governance program had made huge strides.
Longnecker and Associates helps companies improve their performance, primarily through the analysis and design of executive compensation and corporate governance programs.