At the national level, the federal government typically ignored voting rights issues, or affirmed that they were extended.
Now virtually all governments have affirmed support.
The Polish government in exile in London affirmed its position of retaining the 1939 borders.
The Spanish government has affirmed the situation is under constant monitoring and control, recommending the population not to panic.
Jordan was still receiving 40 per cent of its oil supplies from Iraq, but the government affirmed in October that it would not increase this amount.
Our government should and indeed must affirm that Almighty God is the source of that right for it to continue.
The German government has affirmed that it does not consider the Church of Scientology to be a religious community.
The government has affirmed its determination to go ahead with legislation to decriminalize possession of marijuana.
The group's assertions, which the government and the manufacturer neither disputed nor affirmed, had officials scrambling to determine how the corn might have arrived in Japan.