The federal government has also allotted $150,000 for a future study of digital signs.
The federal government allotted some $1.35 billion in aid, but only a small fraction was used to help those directly affected by the riots.
Accordingly, in the 1980s the government allotted large amounts of money for the purchase of modern aircraft and spare parts.
The cycle began in the early 1990's, when European governments allotted radio spectrum for the second generation of mobile phones.
In 1880, the government allotted funds for the preservation of ancient shrines and temples.
"I'm still young enough, and we always meant to have more than the three the government allotted us."
In addition to that, the government allots commercial land for eligible awardees.
In the late 1980s, the government allotted only about 7 percent of its budget to education, a figure lower than that for all but a few African countries.
In local elections being held alongside the national ones, the government has allotted one-third of all seats to women.
The government, by that time, had allotted PhP2 billion for its construction.