It was under the current prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, that the Italian government finally budged.
The government is not budging on its 10-year-old policy of mandatory detention, taking a tough line against a rising tide of migrants shipped here by smugglers who have made Australia an increasingly popular destination.
But in a letter released by the court yesterday, the United States attorney in Manhattan, James B. Comey, made clear that the government would not budge from its position denying access to the lawyers, and felt the issue was significant enough to seek the immediate appeal.
So far the government has not budged at reports that Yubari's little old ladies will not be able to afford to ride the bus any longer.
But the British government and the British Museum, a national institution, have not budged.
Italy's culture minister warned on Wednesday that his government would not budge from its demand that the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles return all of the ancient artifacts in its collection that Italy contends were illegally separated from their heritage.
All the political activists arrested in jail went on fast and finally government budged in.
If the government are forcing job cuts, a pay freeze, an increase in pension contributions and a later retirement age and won't budge then they really aren't leaving workers with any option except to strike.
Economy Minister Jose Luis Machinea spent much of the weekend reassuring Wall Street analysts and international bankers that the government would not budge from its policies of cutting its deficit to decrease interest rates.