A government communiqué was also reported to have ruled out the possibility of FARC and ELN delegates being allowed to sit in the new Constituent Assembly to be elected in December.
It was while the final docking routines were locked down that the message came through to David and Carol-an official government communique, requesting (or rather, politely demanding) their immediate presence at a formal debriefing.
A government communiqué of June 19 declared the strike illegal on the grounds that wage negotiations were still in progress.
In two government communiqués in 1937 and 1938, the Turkish government asked all local government authorities to make lists of their employees originally from Hatay.
In his speech and in an earlier government communique, General Namphy recalled the bitter feuding that had raged between the Government and the electoral council since last summer.
According to a government communiqué after the coup attempt, Gen. Marcos Zarate Rota, the commander of the army, had also been involved in the conspiracy and was under investigation for drug trafficking.
The press would be forbidden from printing troop movements and official government communiqués would be distributed.
Interpol had been compromised, the arrondissement police manipulated, the Surete itself corrupted, and official government communiques issued on the basis of lies all lies.
These forces were gradually grouped into the superior formations occasionally identified in government communiques but more usually mentioned by external sources such as the BBC monitor reports.
"We had no other choice, because we were left alone," a government communique explained bitterly.