There were no known reports of government complicity in trafficking during the reporting period.
To wait until 14 letters had been sent, would, if true, constitute Government complicity in the publication of dangerous classified information.
They also said they had no reason to suspect any official Government complicity in the latest abduction.
Justice Goldstone is still looking for proof of Government complicity, his associates say.
The victims themselves have no evidence of Government complicity in the burglaries, and no evidence that the same people were involved in more than one.
Along with the admission of Government complicity, Japan released a host of documents disclosing details about how the elaborate system was run.
It reported local journalists saying that discussion of the causes of the crisis, government responsibility, questions about government complicity with dairy companies, was strictly off limits.
International human rights groups have suggested that there may have been Government complicity in massacres that killed hundreds of villagers at a time in the mid-1990's.
In addition, despite reports that many police officials take bribes to ignore prostitution, the government reported no law enforcement efforts to combat government complicity in trafficking.
Rumors of Government complicity in the violence have abounded, but - despite promises - the generals have never allowed international human rights groups to investigate the allegations.