These days, the prime minister is engaged in a politically explosive argument with left-wing parties after suggesting that the government curtail giving free electricity to farmers.
Last year there was no sign of construction at Yusufeli, so there is perhaps a faint hope that the government will yet curtail the project.
The issue is significant as a matter of First Amendment doctrine, because the government can curtail speech in a public forum only for compelling reasons.
When he returned to Barcelona in 1849, the government curtailed his publishing activities, and he turned his attention to science and engineering instead.
He also opened high level diplomatic relations with Israel, which Indira Gandhi's government which took office following the 1980 elections curtailed.
The fine print in most loan agreements committed governments to reduce subsidies, curtail spending and sell off monopolies.
Companies and governments in the West are drastically curtailing travel to SARS-affected regions.
However, while the introduction was highly successful, the Canadian government curtailed the experiment as the government believed that it was not supposed to compete with private business.
This debate often takes the form of to what extent a democratic government can curtail civil liberties in the interest of successfully ending the crises.
That growth should continue for years, said Mr. Pauly of the Wharton School, unless the government sharply curtails spending on health care.