The national government facilitates investigation of standards and IT infrastructure development.
On the one hand the government facilitates the sale and use of tobacco through farm programs and trade negotiations.
Democratic governments facilitate orderly change; Communist regimes do not.
It is unconscionable that government would facilitate the taking of innocent life.
"We always love to meet new businesses and network with other entrepreneurs - is there a way in which the government can facilitate this"
We urged that government and insurers facilitate their development as tools for detecting early breast cancer.
Once elected, he told the press there was much to be done to improve the economy, and said the government should facilitate private sector activity.
This should be seen as a positive gesture, and we expect the government to facilitate the implementation of international assistance measures.
I am hopeful that our government will facilitate the necessary travel documentation.
The government will facilitate and contribute to this process, but the main initiative should come from the market.