The government also gained land which they sold in public bidding, and a large amount of greenspace.
They are now concerned about other potential abuses if the government gains a further ability to track individuals.
But if a major government gained proof of alien life, the contamination would be far worse.
The government gained at least a hundred supporters from the effort, but the stall was later shut down.
For years we worried that the government would gain an unhealthy control over the media.
Similarly, governments that control oil will gain leverage in the international system relative to countries without energy resources.
The government, schools, families, and students spend a lot of time working on improving scores, but hardly gain practical skills.
In this way the government gained control of a person's most sensitive passages through life.
And, simultaneously, government was gaining a reputation as an obstacle to job creation.
Further, there was concern that in case of her death, a foreign government could gain too much leverage.