The Ninth Amendment declares that the fact that a right is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution does not mean that the government can infringe on that right.
Priestley's later radicalism emerged from his belief that the British government was infringing upon individual freedom.
He was one of those who opposed ratification, fearing that the strong central government would eventually infringe on state and individual rights.
As basic liberties, they are inalienable: no government can amend, infringe or remove them from individuals.
What is up for debate is the way in which the Chinese government routinely infringes on the rights and freedoms of it's citizens.
One of its leaders is named Butch and he believes that the government is infringing on the people's right to bear Buicks.
The Australian government does not infringe copyright if its actions (or those of an authorised person) are for the government.
Genuine democracy entails not only the right to choose your government, but also the assurance that your government will protect, rather than infringe upon, fundamental liberties and human rights.
On the other hand, however, governments use people, or infringe upon their right to privacy, when combating terrorism.
Otherwise, the Italian government seriously infringes articles 6 of the Treaty on European Union.