There has been a tendency to regard such provisions as government largesse to be dispensed at the unfettered will of the public body.
There was a steady decline in government largesse as the people fell back once more on fishing and trapping to survive.
Actually, the taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize local government largesse forced upon them through greedy unions, in the quest of blood.
They have to be because there is no government largesse.
For recipients of government largesse, yesterday's luxuries are quickly redefined as today's necessities.
The promise to keep government largesse flowing draws the biggest applause at his rallies.
It was barely functioning even with government largesse.
But 9 out of 10 veterans disagree; 23 million have chosen private medicine over the lobby's government largesse.
When government largesse dried up, the roof caved in for Integrated.
The resulting cutbacks created enormous resentment among recipients who had come to see government largesse as their right.