And to the extent that Asian governments still meddle in markets, their goal now seems to be to dilute the influence of the Japanese.
Others believed on principle that government shouldn't meddle in the markets, even when the markets are broken.
It is an argument that appears to be gaining currency, particularly among embattled leaders who argue that Western governments are meddling in their countries' affairs.
The surviving governments scrambled to stay in front of their radicalized populations and meddled ceaselessly in the wars around them.
Therefore, they were a direct contradiction to the policy of noninterference and would mean the government was meddling in personal law.
This official said governments should not meddle in the purchasing decisions of private companies.
And the only force that can cause it is when government meddles into the business of people who know what they're doing.
The government in power must never meddle in the election process - that's what cost Nixon the Presidency.
The government should not be meddling in advertising, period.
Spokesperson Cathy Rought also deplored the fact that the government would "fundamentally meddle with the established business model of one industry."