But recently the government has mounted a renewed propaganda campaign against the group.
The government, meanwhile, has mounted a vast, but haphazard, campaign to sell the constitution.
Sihanouk travelled in person to each district and the government mounted a full campaign against the party.
The government mounts a case against the three officers, using several of the same witnesses from the earlier trial.
In addition, the government distributed 30,000 pamphlets and mounted a campaign to inform residents about the disease.
The rebels ended their cease-fire last Tuesday and the government mounted an offensive the next day.
In 1941, the government mounted a clampdown against political workers, writers and anybody it saw as a threat to the state.
In 1784 the new federal government mounted a failed expedition against the Indians.
In recent years many governments have mounted vigorous campaigns against drinking and driving.
For those who live in the shadow of these plants, there is little expectation that the federal government will mount a more vigorous security response.