But, at our instance, the British had invited military observers from every independent nation and from the several provisional governments of occupied nations.
The responsibility for removing them has been left to the governments of North African nations.
How can full representation of small and big ethnic groups be guaranteed in the government of democratic nations?
They must, for instance, improve their dialogue with the governments of poor nations to make sure that vaccines get down to the people who need them.
But while governments of developing nations in Southeast Asia struggle to figure out the extent of the problem, much more remains to be done.
They were based on the best intelligence available, which had led the Clinton administration before it and the governments of allied nations to reach the same conclusion.
The new government pricing strategy will be based on a "per-citizen" model for licensing its software to federal, state and local governments of developing nations.
The launching ends a monopoly that the governments of advanced nations have held for nearly four decades on spying from space.
At Copenhagen, we must encourage courageous leadership from the national governments of large industrialised nations.
The information was passed to the governments of European and Middle Eastern nations.