Because of the political upheavals in mid-1990, the new government postponed formulating the next plan.
And any further economic problems in the region could lead governments to postpone or reconsider their trade commitments.
Speaking to foreign reporters in Dili last week, he said the government could not postpone measures to address social needs or even hunger.
European governments should postpone the next 'inter-governmental conference' until beyond 2000.
Initially the government postponed the compensation matters, until the United States started putting pressure on the matter as well.
The government postponed the renegotiation of public service fees indefinitely.
The government postponed the tax from taking effect until 2011 for existing trusts.
The government postponed the collection of the October subsidy.
How could any government postpone making such a decision for two whole years?
The government, made uncertain, postponed the release of the other bears while it studied the attack and its implications.