Back then, the government poured roughly 7.45 trillion yen, or $64.5 billion at the current exchange rate, into 15 banks.
Officials have since discovered the tourism value of pandas, and the government has poured money into the place.
This is where the federal government has poured extra money into fighting crime.
The government plans to pack these barrels in larger containers and pour fresh cement around them.
The government is pouring billions into the banking system.
The government poured $22 million into the project and it went bankrupt only two years later.
Why, then, does the federal government pour money into the dangerous, dirty and expensive Interstate highway system?
"Four hundred billion yen, that's what the Japanese government has already poured into the project, and there's no end in sight."
The state and the federal government have poured about $70 million into the project over the years, but Amtrak has spent almost nothing.
More than 20 years after the system was created, the government is still pouring in money.