(This week, for instance, the government is vigorously publicizing its efforts to restrict information on the Internet.)
Plus the government has publicized her husband more than anyone since Varlik Lormagen, decades ago.
But the same reasoning could be used to justify almost any surveillance, provided that the government publicize the fact that the surveillance was being conducted.
The government can also lead by example, publicize issues, foster discussion and apply moral suasion.
The government however publicized a turnout figure of 51 percent, which was calculated over all 40 electoral districts, including districts where there was no contest in 2011.
New restrictions were imposed on U.S. travelers, but the government did not publicize many of them because security officials reportedly "wanted the security experience to be 'unpredictable'".
The government publicized a national list of 13 young MIRleaders for their capture.
Using the title movements as case studies, Barkan concluded that the government publicizes trials to exert social control on society in general.
But it was unclear whether the launching was in response to Pakistan's announcement or whether the government publicizing a long-scheduled test.
It is not clear why the government did not publicize the new policy.