During his tour the French government, on Oct. 30, officially reiterated its recognition of him as Haiti's President and offered him political asylum.
In the face of this opposition the Conservative government once again reiterated that the Islanders' wishes were 'paramount'.
But the government also reiterated that it would not match a rebel cease-fire until such talks were under way.
The German government reiterated today that it was on track to cut its deficit and to balance the budget.
At the same time the government reiterated that it would not tolerate "criminal acts".
Finally, the federal government reiterates its confidence that the Brazilian judiciary will conduct a timely trial in the Dorothy Stang murder case.
But after the government reiterated that its own newspapers were not permitted to use text directly from foreign news organizations, Sina.com dropped the practice as well.
In enshining Budi Utomo as the first nationalist organization, the current government reiterates the colonial version of history.
Nevertheless the government has reiterated its determination that, over time, public expenditure should continue to take a declining share of National Income (Treasury, 1992b).
He told a press conference that his government "reiterates its firm stand against foreign interference in South Africa's internal affairs".