In August 1978, one month after a coup, a new Mauritanian government signed a peace deal with Polisario and renounced all territorial claims.
The United States said the new Palestinian government must recognize Israel, continue previous agreements with it and renounce violence.
All fishery operations were, however, abandoned in 1853, when the French government renounced its possession of the two islands.
The government would renounce its share and the state holding would fall to 38 percent.
Still others insist that Israel has a biblical right to the West Bank that no government should renounce.
Mandela rejected these conditions, insisting that the ANC would only end the armed struggle when the government renounced violence.
The programme was cancelled in 1956 when the British government renounced the use of biological and chemical weapons.
Brazil and its neighbor Argentina had nuclear weapons programs when under military rule in the 1970's, but democratically elected governments in both countries later renounced them.
The Soviet Russian government renounced the treaty on November 13.
While most governments will not unilaterally renounce modern arms, many would be happy to join a ban that applies to their rivals as well.