In October 2001 the new government shelved the dam project.
Under the terms of its contract, the German government can shelve the service in mid-December if it is still not running smoothly.
It all came to nothing, as the British government had shelved the proposal altogether by the middle of 1938.
After the demonstrations, the government indefinitely shelved its drafted law.
Faced with rising public resentment over the trial, the government shelved the conversion, and Bombay time was maintained until 1955.
Margaret Thatcher's government did not accept this, and shelved the plans.
The outcry from the apparel makers was so loud that the government shelved its policy.
But suc-cessive governments, daunted by the costs, had each in turn quietly shelved them.
In the face of massive public protests - of 500,000 people or more - the government shelved the bill indefinitely.
However, it had become clear that the government had shelved the report and was not planning to implement any reform.