The government would not shy away from looking at whether certain ethnic groups in specific areas were more likely to be involved in sexual exploitation, he said.
Critics say that European governments have shied away from steps, like liberalizing labor markets and lowering taxes, that would bolster corporate investment and consumer spending.
The British government has not shied from the issue.
Western governments shied away from the confrontation.
Despite this legislative commitment, the complexities involved in formalisation efforts have seen subsequent governments shy away from such initiatives.
Having an American plane land deep in Soviet territory is still something our government shies away from.
Though these tests run counter to the 1994 law, the federal government has shied from penalizing states over their use.
They complain that economic pressures have meant the government has shied from effectively controlling watermen and the number of crab pots they are permitted to set.
This government doesn't shy away from attempting to manipulate reality.
I don't think that this is a challenge that the government should necessarily shy away from, since there is a shared interest in putting some reality into the debate.