Responsible government arrived shortly after the union, and shifted influence from the governor to ministers.
In the last decade, government has shifted onto charities the job of making food available to the poor, unemployed, disabled and housebound.
These governments shifted the costs caused by their actions to the Long Island electric consumer.
Furthermore, the government shifted responsibility for crop transport to the private sector.
However, the new Pakistani government in 2008, shifted its priorities to other projects.
And as inflation rose in the late 70's, government shifted to fighting it, often at the expense of employment.
The term refers to economic policies in which a government shifts responsibility for economic challenges on to individuals.
"We don't want to see the federal government simply shift costs to the states," Mr. Warner said.
To cope with the sudden influx of people, the government has shifted staff from different departments to focus on the program.
Above all, we must persuade governments not to shift the blame onto each other.