He says: "When the user picks a private passphrase, Backblaze can never decrypt the data, regardless of any government subpoena."
Then: "We never decrypt data without the user explicitly requesting it, or if a government subpoena required it."
If you architected with TNO, you don't have to worry about your own employees or government subpoenas.
LEO: Furthermore, you can't count on Pirate Bay or other organizations to not respond to government subpoenas.
But many investigators believe that he went into hiding, partly in fear for his life and partly to evade a government subpoena to testify before a grand jury.
But if you had a government subpoena, the government could go to the hard drive manufacturer and say here's the court order, remove the lock from this drive.
A warrant canary is a method used by an Internet service provider to inform their customers that the provider has not been served with a secret government subpoena.
People who have reviewed the collected information said that many of the names on government subpoenas have been matched with bank and credit card accounts, and investigators have obtained reams of related data.
Mr. Chang received his first government subpoena on Jan. 23, 1997.
Privacy advocates and search industry watchers have long warned that the vast and valuable stores of data collected by search engine companies could be vulnerable to thieves, rogue employees, mishaps or even government subpoenas.