Canada has a wide range of government transfers to persons, which totaled $176.6 billion in 2009.
The report found that real household income after federal taxes and including government transfers (payments from Social Security, unemployment insurance, etc.) grew by 62%.
From 1979 to 2007, real (inflation-adjusted) average household income, measured after government transfers and federal taxes, grew by 62 percent.
In the longer run, the increased savings and investment would, to some extent, help pay for the additional government transfer of money to the poor.
Iller Bank provides not only loans, but also administrates the distribution of central government transfers to municipalities.
Of this income, earnings are 64.7%, government transfers are 16.5%, and other income is 18.8%.
Of all the Soviet Bloc countries, only Romania's government transfer ended with a dead leader.
Greater Sudbury received a significant increase in provincial government transfers in 2006.
Between the late 1970s and the late 1990s, the Chinese government transfers for health expenditure fell by 50% and are continuing to fall.
But rental income fell, as did some government transfers to the private sector.