Under the international policy of diplomatic immunity, the diplomats cannot be prosecuted in America unless their governments waive immunity, which is highly unlikely.
The government waived the right to a closing statement, feeling the presented evidence was strong enough to prove their case.
The government had previously waived such paperwork.
You can't be prosecuted in the country of assignment unless your government waives that immunity.
Local governments, lacking money to pay, have simply waived the zoning rules.
The measure says that when land rules reduce the value of property, the government must compensate the owner or waive the regulations.
The federal government would also waive the state share of Medicaid in the designated disaster areas and extend unemployment benefits 13 weeks under the proposal.
In addition, governments that work with Mercy Ships also waive port fees and associated costs for the ship to dock.
The British government waived all claims to the ship upon learning of its arrival in New London.
But instead of charging more, the government has been waiving the pension rules, he said.