The move would strengthen Sprint's presence in the European market, which will begin to resemble that of the United States when major government-owned carriers like France Telecom become privatized in the next few years.
The government-owned carrier, which operated domestically, changed its name to Australian Airlines in 1986, and then was merged with Qantas in 1993.
Some experts think that may be a factor in places like Egypt, when a government agency tries to enforce safety on a government-owned carrier.
Cathay Pacific Airways in Hong Kong, a government-owned carrier, is facing especially tough times.
Despite the previous year's nationalisation of several private airlines and their absorption into BEA, the government-owned carrier continued to contract its private sector counterparts to operate a limited number of regional feeder services on its behalf via "associate" agreements.
It was a Japanese airliner, and in fact a government-owned carrier.
As the government-owned carrier, it offers service with an Islamic flavour (ie no pork, no alcohol and no exposed hair on the hostesses).
VISITOR'S GUIDE TO THE AREA Getting There Air-India, the country's government-owned international carrier, has begun actively promoting the South.
Seeing little prospect for advancement at Qantas once the war had ended, Brain left to join the fledgling government-owned domestic carrier Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) in June 1946.
Indian Airlines, the government-owned carrier that once had a virtual monopoly on internal flights, has been forced to improve punctuality and in-flight service because of private competition on its most profitable routes.