Discrimination against these occupational groups arose historically because of Buddhist prohibitions against killing and Shinto notions of pollution, as well as governmental attempts at social control.
Any governmental attempts to block websites should be resisted to the last man standing - claims that it had anything to do with intellectual copyright were always spurious.
The song describes ongoing governmental attempts to wrest land from the Cheyenne, Iroquois and Seneca.
The failed governmental attempt increased Yuan's reputation among local peasants.
The largest mass killings in history have been governmental attempts to exterminate entire groups or communities of people, often on the basis of ethnicity or religion.
However, the trading of tiger parts in Asia has become a major black market industry and governmental and conservation attempts to stop it have been ineffective to date.
Labor has become more international as individuals migrate seeking work despite governmental attempts to control this migration.
However, advocates for free speech told lawmakers that governmental attempts to restrict incendiary remarks on computer networks could violate computer users' First Amendment rights.
We did dodge the governmental attempt to take control because we operate more efficiently as a private agency and because you could imagine the tax payers' shrieks about funding tea-leaf readers?
Americans largely ignored governmental attempts to push them in the direction of metrication, and the USMB was eventually disbanded in 1982.