Of all the kinds of governmental expenditures, why must only these two areas of need compete?
This hypothesis suggests that governmental expenditure grows by a series of relatively sharp leaps caused by some form of emergency or crisis.
Other factors include two years of drought, acid rain, run-off from contaminated land and reduced governmental expenditure on sewage treatment.
At Mozaffar ad-Din's accession Iran faced a financial crisis, with annual governmental expenditures far in excess of revenues due to the policies of his father.
Somehow we've come to applaud every cut in governmental expenditure.
In one of his first acts, Gage's administration reopened the State Printing Office, closed down earlier by previous governor James Budd in order to cut governmental expenditures.
So much governmental expenditure is pressured by the re-election fervor that the real Federal deficit cannot be closed and the Federal debt will continue to skyrocket.
Richardson began his governorship on January 9, 1923, promising a no-frills administration to deeply cut governmental expenditures.
During his term, he was successful in his attempts in leaving a financially sound state treasury, even with increased governmental expenditures, which resulted from the outbreak of the Spanish-American War.
Among its policy recommendations are the advocacy of free trade, an opposition to any and all price controls, an opposition to monetary inflation, and an opposition to "stimulative" governmental expenditures: