To the Editor: David Brooks says liberals "need to explain how a comprehensive governmental failure is going to restore America's faith in big government."
But union lawyers and labor negotiators view the complaints as camouflage for political or governmental failure.
This analytical dimension of public choice theory therefore seeks to demonstrate that 'governmental failure' exists on a major scale.
Effectively defending the United States against terrorism requires a full and unflinching understanding of the governmental failures that left the nation so vulnerable to attack on Sept. 11.
King (1984) continues with the assumption that decisions reflect the demand of the median voter and makes no allowance for governmental failure.
We would simply note that, for those instances where empirical evidence clashes with traditional public finance, there may be explanations other than governmental failure.
Unless it is Tompkins Square Park in Manhattan's East Village - a chunk of urban acreage that has come to symbolize governmental failure.
But liberals who think this disaster is going to set off a progressive revival need to explain how a comprehensive governmental failure is going to restore America's faith in big government.
The Commissioner should particularly read Ruggie's strong criticism of governmental failures to respect human rights considerations as the Commission develops its new competence on investment.
On 1 November 1916, during a speech in the State Duma Miliukov highlighted numerous governmental failures with the famous question "stupidity or treason?"