Scotland in this period experienced innovations in governmental practices and the importation of foreign, mostly French, knights.
Everson, according to Kauper, "stands as a key decision in laying the foundation for judicial review of all governmental practices supportive of religion.
And, like all anarchists, he opposed the governmental practice of democracy, as it allows a majority to decide for a minority.
The officers and student representatives from each homeroom spend time learning about governmental practices and responsibilities.
Two commissions were appointed to study governmental and campaign practices, resulting in modest changes.
Justice Brennan said that historical pedigree, while important, is not enough for deciding whether a particular governmental practice is consistent with due process.
Social progressivism, the view that governmental practices ought to be adjusted as society evolves, forms the ideological basis for many American progressives.
Vietnam unlike Thailand, wanted Cambodia to adopt Vietnamese governmental practices, dress, and language.
Though not considered to be a noble house by the other inhabitants, they do have a distinct culture including a complex legal system, religion, and governmental practices.
This took place first privately in land disputes and latter spread to governmental practice as a means of more precise tax assessment.