Under governmental supervision the notorious Corn Laws of 1815 were passed prohibiting the import of foreign wheat until the domestic price reached a minimum accepted level.
One of the purposes served by the establishment clause is to remove debate over this kind of issue from governmental supervision or control.
Indeed, rigorous testing and governmental supervision insures that Long Island public water is kept to the highest standards in the nation.
Since postal administrations are either a branch of government or an official monopoly under governmental supervision, the government has ultimate control over the choice of designs.
Corporate managers would be under rigid governmental supervision that would make today's regulations seem blissfully relaxed.
September: Bush administration recommended moving governmental supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under a new agency created within the Department of the Treasury.
In most countries governmental supervision is standard in higher education.
This began with research conducted autonomously away from public utility and governmental supervision.
Release of remaining structures out of governmental nuclear supervision.
The RLA creates a wholly different structure for resolving labor disputes, requiring bargaining under indirect governmental supervision and permitting strikes only in limited circumstances.