The governor admitted that he had acted too slowly and too timidly in responding to the energy crisis.
In December, the governor admitted lying about work done on the cottage by state contractors and employees.
He said the governor had effectively admitted his budget needed more revenue but would not address that question.
"This has been a terrible shock," admitted the governor, in a quavering voice.
The governor admits that California's budget faces sky-high interest costs and reduced federal government assistance just when the crisis increases demands for public services.
The governor does not admit his fear to tax the state's huge corporate and private individual wealth.
For the remainder, the governors could admit whom they chose and charge fees on an approved scale.
"Image is everything," the governor admitted, leaning back in his chair and switching to thoughts about success.
Just before dying, the disgraced former governor wrote a confession and admitted that he had embezzled over $300,000 from the state.
"Only his wife and a few intimate friends like myself knew about this," the governor admitted, in a low voice.