Successive governors general have followed suit, establishing an award for whichever endeavour they personally found important.
But last month, Mr. Bruno said he would push for change this year, and the governor followed a few days later with his bill.
But so far the governor has followed a can't-lose strategy: First, to close the budget gap, choose unpopular sources.
The future governor followed everyone through the various stages of the physical, eventually handing his packet to a military orthopedist.
The budget deals are part of a pattern the governor has followed since he was inaugurated six months ago.
But we should urge the governor and local officials to follow through on the plans and revive the once-great tradition of swimming in the Hudson.
The governor, in introducing the vice president to the crowd, followed a script suggested by Mr. Gore's presidential campaign.
The regional governor himself followed a similar path.
The governors of a school usually have no knowledge of education and follow the head teacher.
Still, the two former governors follow politics with the attention of old soldiers to the latest war news.